Sunday, February 5, 2012

First Hash in Back in Moshi

First hash back We were fortunate to a. be in Moshi, and b. be able to go to the hash today! We learned that the weather is so bad in Europe that over 300 people have died, and that even the KLM plane has had a terrible time. I can count on one hand the number of times that the plane had flown directly to Dar Es Salaam to make up time, but Friday night, it happened, and all do to the weather and some engine problems. How horrible. But Dorothy's hash was in a new area, with up and downs and paths all around. Bananas, little shambas and houses and many people waited for us cheering us on as we (some of us slowly) made it through 8K with mostly running.
In addition to the nice but boiling hash, Dorothy had found some tiny baby hedgehogs and is trying to save them. This is probably a fruitless task, but these cute little babies get milk from a hypodermic needle every hour--even all night. Will they live??? All children for better or worse at the hash wanted to hold them. Let's hope we don't confer too many diseases to these tiny creatures who are so taken for granted
At the end of the hash, several people asked if I were ok. Once again the red face had come back. Personally, I didn't feel too bad, though the uphills were killers and I confess that I did not run them all.
Thank goodness the power and water were on when we got home!

1 comment:

  1. Trish, OH MY! Are you sure you are ok? I would tell you to go to a doc if you weren't married to one! Hope you are a bit less red as you read this!
