Saturday, April 19, 2014

Our last week in Moshi for this Trip, and Amsterdam

Mehru at Sunset from Machame

The first thing that I have to say about this blog, is that I cannot compete with the bugs.  They were as far as I can tell a once in a lifetime experience, for which I am grateful forever.  Please refer to the previous blog for the purple legs of THE Bug, and you will know what I say.  This blog will include our last days in Moshi for this time.

It will not include my most wonderful experience, which was playing with Eija in Church for her last time (please say it isn't so) before she returned to Finland with Ric to seek new futures out of Moshi.  I cannot express my love of our playing together and my love of getting to know such a marvelous woman.  Not only is she a great musician, but a strong and brave woman, brought up by rigid Finnish Missionaries in Kenya, who eventually forged her own Christian path-- a far more peaceful and loving Christian who indeed pledged herself to an embracing wholistic church path that is far more difficult to follow than the rigid "good-bad" one.  Thank you Eija for giving so much of yourself to us, and allowing me to play and sing with you.

We did also have a fabulous picnic for Elizabeth and Coletta and children, and those pictures will have to follow as they seem to be missing tonight!  Suffice it to say that our team is amazing.  And though many are leaving nearly at the same time, Elizabeth has been the stalwart for 7 years in Moshi, the best learner in Kiswahili, and one of the most giving leaders we have ever had.  Her beautiful children ( will follow) and the rest of the picnic.  Wow.  What a great group.  We also lose Matt and Jess and the watoto watano.  I simply do not know what the compound will do without you.  Dr. John and Molly.... Alfred will really not know what to do., and Julia...gracious. It is a huge sad exodus of wonderful people.  Please come back . (Pics in next blog I promise)

As we wound down our trip, in addition to the best church service (only my note) and party (my note) we had the best hash (my note).  John and I scouted it the day before at our dearest friends Nic and Sylvie Emannual's house, and it was unbelievably beautiful.  When we set it, we knew that it would not be hard, it would not be long, but it would be so beautiful.  And that is what we planned. Most of the walkers knew the farm and most were grateful to be able to experience it one more time.

John scouting
John scouting hash

John walking cornfields

scouting near the cornfields

John Nikoli Bob

Kili after sunset

kili at perfect light

Tarija shares her hat

Trish and Moshi friends
So there we were.  We left the next day for Amsterdam, and had the opportunity to stay for two days.  Great times Rain, cold but the Riksmuseum was open for the first time in nearly 20 years.  Fantastic.  I had the great fortune to spend one day there and as well to get some good sleep at a great bed and breakfast.  What more can you want.
Newly renovated Riksmuseum

Three Sisters
 Surely these three sisters do not look like my own three daughters?
Issues about death and ressurection.... cannot tell what it means
Entrance Riks
My Fav Van Gogh....The Farm Cottages
My friend is very handsome and looks exactly like this pic
Delft ware mantle... I want one
So do you really want to see the Night Watch...Lineup

I do great selfies
Another good one
This could be my children feigning sickness before school
I have this print, but wept over the original
It is called St. Titus the Monk
Waterloo Picture

The beautiful Market (probably one of many)

Thank you for a wonderful time... Netherlands

And a very Happy Easter to all.  We can hope within the time of resurrection, that there is resurrection of peace and caring towards humanity, and at the same time a new care of our environment, our trees and animals and plants. 

1 comment:

  1. Who would think that only two months later our dear friend Joep Lange would be blown up in the Malaysian Air Flight 17 Crash. He was the wonderful friend we visited and had such a great time with....and with whom John and others were thrilled to be working towards a better world, especially for persons living with HIV and their related infections.
