Saturday, November 8, 2014

"Seasons Come and Seasons Go" --Gillbert and Sullivan (Ruddigore)

So, a quick update.  The changing seasons here are marked not so much by changes of temperature,  but changes in trees and nuances of cacti, of course the mangos or the avocados (avocados develop in June and are plentiful in July).

Right now, the Mango trees are filling with fruit. We are pelted with uncompleted fruit on a daily basis, and there is no way to dodge their terrifying accurate shots if fate determines.  But, in our front yard, our big mango tree is almost completely devoid of mangos, the back tree is loaded.  This is the time of year when you could start singing, "Christmas times a comin' Mangos a fallin....."

Our Lemon tree is so loaded that I worry that it might be stressed.  And as I have described previously, if you pick the lemon early, it tastes exactly like a lime, and you only have  to pick up a quick bottle of gin to feel healthy and complete.

But the true sign of the season (before Christmas) is the Jacaranda canopy over nearly every street in our part of town.  It comes before the flame trees, and quickly.  John was complaining that the Jacarandas weren't blooming only a week a go, and now, they are amazing.
Jacaranda Blvd
I have spent time this past week visiting several villages that are virtually without trees with my friend Sabina... She was talking to me about this type of cactus... a truly amazing plant.  We talked about this particular cactus that has a bloom that drops but the green part  then flattens to become the next arm of the cactus.  It is like a family or a village. Sabina loves to describe things with concrete displays and this is just one of them.
Family Cactus
As you can see these pretty flower turn into their own leaves.

The frangipani ( Plumeria) is a favorite because it blooms nearly all year round, and has a light sweet smell and lasts for ever.  We have one or two frangipanis both white, but the compound has hundreds and they bloom in different colors, white, yellow, pink.
Then there are the unknown trees for me which are many --but this is the time of the year that they bloom. Other trees blooming now are the African tulip which can be blue or red.  We do not have any in our yard, but there are many many on the streets.
don't know tree
And then there are the giant allium.... I counted at least 50 in our yard alone that are blooming.  (my personal favs.)
Giant Allium
Hopefully before we leave, the flame trees will be blooming as that is for sure a sign of Christmas. We have flame trees that are more brilliant than those I have seen anywhere.  They, too form a beautiful canopy over everything they are near.  I personally will sit in wonder at the way of nature, and my good fortune to be here.

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